Best Sellers
If you’re stuck for ideas for the perfect present, have a browse through our best sellers list for a little inspiration! Maps and location presents make a great gift that friends and loved ones, offering a level of personalisation that’s hard to beat. Commemorate that special place, whether it’s where you first met, your first home, or any other location that means a lot to you with a customised map, and show how much that day meant to you.
Unique Personalised Gifts made from Maps
For something a little different, why not have your personalised map jigsaw puzzle, or set of map coasters? Alternatively, set the date in style with a personalised Times front page jigsaw puzzle, a beautifully made product that when completed shows the front page of the Times newspaper from your chosen date – great for birthdays or anniversaries!
Whatever you’re looking for, our wide selection of map gifts are the ideal unique gift, with a personal touch that they’ll treasure.