Academic Perpetual Year Wall Planner: plan key dates and events with this write-on/wipe-off wall planner.
Use the same calendar planner year after year with the Academic Perpetual Yearly Wall Planner (year starts in September). Complete with a set of self-stick date strips, which you can re-position for the school year within seconds. Plan main terms, half terms, key exam dates, holidays, staff meetings and other key event dates with this write-on/wipe-off wall planner. The surface is laminated so you can write on it with the included marker, and easily wipe it off again to make any changes. You can re-position each month as you complete it, and keep a rolling year ahead to view. Colour shadings help to visually separate one week from the next.
Laminated with a write-on, wipe-off surface this reusable whiteboard planner is designed to last, making it more environmentally friendly. Comes with a FREE Accessory Kit containing:
- Marker pen
- Fixing pins
- Coloured stickers
Now also available in Aluminium framing.
Size: 61 x 90 cm.
Academic Perpetual Year Wall Planner: plan key dates and events with this write-on/wipe-off wall planner.
Use the same calendar planner year after year with the Academic Perpetual Yearly Wall Planner (year starts in September). Complete with a set of self-stick date strips, which you can re-position for the school year within seconds. Plan main terms, half terms, key exam dates, holidays, staff meetings and other key event dates with this write-on/wipe-off wall planner. The surface is laminated so you can write on it with the included marker, and easily wipe it off again to make any changes. You can re-position each month as you complete it, and keep a rolling year ahead to view. Colour shadings help to visually separate one week from the next.
Laminated with a write-on, wipe-off surface this reusable whiteboard planner is designed to last, making it more environmentally friendly. Comes with a FREE Accessory Kit containing:
- Marker pen
- Fixing pins
- Coloured stickers
Now also available in Aluminium framing.
Size: 61 x 90 cm.